We prefer to operate in surefootsafaris and Mumbulu as if it were our home. Please show courtesy to our staff, all of whom are here to help you enjoy your stay and safari. Whilst we endeavour to carry the food and drinks stock some guests are thirstier than others and the nearest resupply is in Chipata, an eight hour round trip, so please bear with us if your first choice of drinks is unavailable.
Drinks are available by the bottle or can from our stores. The prices may seem high but please bear in mind these drinks have been transported from Lusaka in most cases at significant cost. You are welcome to bring your own drinks and store them in our fridges. If the internet service is working we prefer to take payment for drinks by credit card online. We have an ipad in the office and Mathews can set up the payment. If the internet is not working we will email you an invoice with a payment link for online payment.

The internet coverage in Zambia is sporadic. You should be able to pick up a Zamtel 3G signal which works pretty well. If you wish to use our satellite internet connection please avoid downloading movies or watching Netflix as the connection costs us around US$400 per month plus data usage! We charge for accessing our satellite internet – please see the pricing below.
If you have food please do use our fridges or freezers to store them whilst you are with us. If you do not need to take the remaining food with you when you leave please consider giving it to Mathews to distribute to our team.
National Parks Game Scouts are in short supply. If you are pre-booked on one of our safaris there shouldn’t be a problem as your scout will have been booked and we will arrange the collection and drop-off of the scout. If you are a self-drive arriving at short notice and you wish to walk, Mathews can request a game scout for you. Please would you collect and drop off your game scout at the relevant national parks gate.
It may seem obvious but please keep your tents and bags zipped up and your luggage off the ground. This will keep the monkeys from helping themselves to your medication and any goodies you may have with you and reduces the chances of any surprises. Should you discover a visitor in your tent please do not try and remove it yourself – alert one of our staff and they will take care of it.
We have a medical kit in all camps but it does not have anti-venom or adrenalin injections. We do have an Aspivenin in camp which should be applied quickly to any bite or sting as it removes some of the liquids thus reducing the effect of the bite or sting. If you have comprehensive travel insurance please call the relevant action line. If not we will do what we can to get you to a medical point as soon as possible. In any event please call James Zulu on +260 97 7467345 if you think you, or another guest, needs medical attention.

Mathews Phiri is our Camp Manager who has been working at surefootsafaris since 1984! Please direct your queries and requests to Mathews who will endeavour to provide you with whatever you need.
If Mathews asks you to do something, it is either for your safety or other guests’ enjoyment or safety.
Please do as Mathews requests. If you have a complaint of any kind that Mathews is unable to resolve, please contact James Zulu, Managing Director on +260 97 7467345, or by email on simon.ceo@surefootsafaris.com, and you can expect a response within a couple of hours in normal working times.